Deploying GPU Models on GKE


This directory contains my experiments with deploying GPU models on GKE.

Here were the key takeaways


  • GKE Autopilot supports GPUs but to the best of my knowledge doesn’t let you select the GPU Driver version

    • The GPU version installed was too old for the models I wanted to deploy
  • GKE Standard lets you set the driver version to latest on node pools

  • With GKE Standard I had to explicitly add a node pool configured to use spot VMs, GPUs, and the latest driver

    • The node auto provisioning didn’t automatically create a node pool

    • I suspect this might be because deployment.yaml didn’t add the toleration for the"true":NoSchedule taint (see docs)

    • I’m not sure how you would configure the driver unless you explictly add a node pool

    • Here’s an example CLI command

      gcloud container node-pools create a100-spot --spot --accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-a100,count=1,gpu-driver-version=latest --machine-type=a2-highgpu-1g --region us-west1 --cluster dev-standard --node-locations us-west1-b --min-nodes 0 --max-nodes 3 --enable-autoscaling
    • I didn’t see if this was doable using CNRM

Image Building

Building GPU images with Kaniko turned out to be quite problematic. These images (e.g. tend to be quite large.

  • On Google Cloud Build kaniko was exiting with code 137 which I believe indicates an OOM

  • Running Kaniko on GKE lets us increase the RAM but we run into issue with ephemeral storage

    • On GKE Autopilot clusters ephemeral storage is limited to 10Gi which is insufficient for large images
    • It looks like Kaniko unpacks the image contents (e.g. /usr) into locations which are on ephemeral storage
    • Using an ephemeral volume (see didn’t work; I think mounting a volume at /usr interferes with Kaniko
    • I think on GKE standard clusters you can use custom boot disks to increase the limit on ephemeral storage
  • I ultimately started using cog to build the image mistral-vllm-awq

    • This worked pretty seamlessly
    • cog however requires docker; I ran it locally. I have no idea how I would run it on K8s
    • the cog docs say they are able to run it in CICD (GHA?)

Installing Python Packages Hits Ephmeral Storage Limits

I ran into problems with installing python packages eating up all the ephemeral storage. The problem appeared to be that the wheels got downloaded to a location on ephemeral storage and they tended to be large.

Setting the environment variables TMPDIR and WHEELHOUSE didn’t seem to help. What worked was to do a two step process where we explicitly downloaded the wheels to a location on a ephemeral volume

pip wheel --wheel-dir=/scratch/wheelhouse transformers==4.36.2 datasets==2.18.0 peft==0.6.0 accelerate==0.24.1 bitsandbytes==0.41.3.post2 safetensors==0.4.1 scipy==1.11.4 sentencepiece==0.1.99 protobuf==4.23.4
pip install --no-index --find-links=/scratch/wheelhouse transformers==4.36.2 datasets==2.18.0 peft==0.6.0 accelerate==0.24.1 bitsandbytes==0.41.3.post2 safetensors==0.4.1 scipy==1.11.4 sentencepiece==0.1.99 protobuf==4.23.4

Ultimately, this was solved by using cog and building the image locally.

Files In this Directory

  • kanik_job.yaml A K8s job to launch Kaniko on K8s

    • This relied on hydros to create the context on GCS
  • My raw notes on trying to build and deploy the image

  • deploy_on_standard_gke.kpnb This contains the commands to add a GPU node pool with the latest driver

    • This was to solve the problems with the GPU driver being too old
  • deploy_vllm.kpnb Commands to deploy the VLLM model