LLM Inference
KV-Cache is a cache used to store result of computations from forward pass to avoid unnecessarily rerunning parts of the forward pass for each subsequent token
- KV-Cache can be huge
Key Metrics
Time to first token (TTFT): How quickly user starts seeing the first token after entering their query
Time per output token (TPOT): Time to generate an output token for each user that is querying the model. Corresponds with how each user will percieve the “speed” of the model
Bandwidth vs. Compute Bound
- At lower batch size LLM inference is bandwidth bound
- LImited by how quickly can page weights in/out of memory into cache in order to do computation
- At higher batch size LLM inference is compute bound
Model Flop Utililization(MFU) = (achieved FLOPS) / (peak FLOPs)
Model Bandwidth Utilization(MBU) = (achieved bandwidth) / (peak bandwidth) * Achieved bandiwdth is ((total model parameter size + KV cache size)/ TPOT)
- LLM Inference Performance Engineering: Best Practices
- Blog from MOSAIC with some good information about LLM inference
- Serving Quantized LLMS on NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs
- Speeding up LLM Inference with TensorRT-LLM - video from GTC
- Lots of good information about serving
- Has benchmarking results for TRT-LLM
- Results illustrate various tradeoffs; e.g. as you have longer context size you have less memory for KV cache so max batch size decreases
- As batch size decreases your utilization of compute decreases