
TensorRT-LLM Architecture Docs

  • TensorRT engines embed the network weights

    • However TensorRT can refit engines to update the wegiths after compilation
  • TensorRT Compilation compiles the graph operations into a CUDA graph

  • Plugins are a way to extend TensorRT’s compilation mechanism with new ways of optimizing the graph

    • e.g. FlashAttention is implemented as a plugin
      • FlashAttention is a mechanism to fuse operations and interleave computation to make them more efficient
    • A plugin are nodes inserted into the CUDA graph that map to user defined GPU kernels
  • Runtime

    • Runtime is responsible for loading the TensorRT engines and driving their execution
    • They can be written in Python or C++
  • TensorRT-LLM Build Workflow

    • Looks like this process is being refactored with the goal of moving a way from convert checkpoint scripts outside the core TensorRT-LLM lib repository

    • tensorrt_llm/models/llama is an example of the new ay

    • trtlm-build builds models from TensorRT-LLM checkpoint

Triton Inference Server

  • Triton Architecture

    • Supports serving multiple models
    • Has queuing and schedulers to handle scheduling requests on different models
    • Supports ensemble models
    • Multiple backends for different frameworks (e.g TensorFlow, Onyx, PyTorch)
  • TensorRT-LLM this is a python API to define large language models

    • Its optimized to execute them on NVIDIA GPU
    • You define models using the Python API and then compile them to TensorRT engines for NVIDIA GPUs
  • Deploying LLMs with TensorRT-LLM on Triton

    • Download the weights (e.g. from Hugging Face)
    • Download the example models code from the TensorRT-LLM repository
      • This repository contains convert_checkpoint.py to convert build the model
        • Question what exactly is the output? Is it a set of floats? c++ code?
    • Use trtllm-build to compile the model to a TensorRT engine (docs)[https://nvidia.github.io/TensorRT-LLM/quick-start-guide.html#quick-start-guide-compile]
      • I think this compiles the model from the Python TensorRT-LLM API to specific kernels
    • Fill in the model configuration
      • Model configuration is a proto
      • fill_template.py is a script to modify the text version of the proto
      • Specify things like
        • Where the compiled model engine is
          • If your engine is going to be on a volume inside a container the location shoul then point to the location inside that volume
          • Question: Is this the model weights as well? How do you use Triton’s API to dynamically load models?
        • What tokenizer to use
        • How to handle KV cache when performing inference in batches
    • Start the docker container
      • Step 4 has you logging into HuggingFace to get the tokenizer and install some pip dependencies before calling launch_triton_server.py. Why isn’t that baked in?
  • When serving an LLM multiple models e.g. the preprocessing model is responsible for tokenization (ref)[https://github.com/triton-inference-server/tensorrtllm_backend]
