LLMs Rules of Thumb

KV Cache

  • TODO: What are good rules of thumb for KV-Cache size?

Cost of Serving

See slide 22:41 in GTC video

H100-80G: $2.3 per hour

  • For CoreWeave if you get a reserved multi-year deal

For llama2-70b

Batch Size Cost
1 $9.73
4 $2.48
8 $1.26
32 $0.35


  • 6KB/Embedding (OpenAI are 1536 float32)
  • 3 million docs before you need a vector database tweet
    • 18G of storage


  • 1 token ~4 characters For English
    • Seems like its less for code; https://github.com/jlewi/roboweb/issues/414
      • Maybe 1 token ~2 characters