Checking Quota

We need to ensure that we have sufficient quota in the region. You can use gcloud to list the quota in the region You can filter that e.g. using the keywords PREEMPTIBLE and A100 to only look for specific type of quota

sh {"id":"01HYK4TGFFWFK4AV5PD0WRFDR6"} gcloud compute regions describe us-central1 --format=json | jq '.quotas[] | select(.metric | contains("NVIDIA_A100"))'

```sh {“id”:“01HYK5A4N59R527D58SF030KAK”} # Checking Accelerator Availability

  • Not all accelerator types are available in all zones
  • You can use gcloud to see the list of accelerators available in a specific region

```sh {"id":"01HYK5AZB8R30BN5ZKPFZHSZF6"}
gcloud compute accelerator-types list --filter="zone:( us-central1-a us-central1-b us-central1-c )"

Monitoring Provisioning

  • SpotVMs may not be immediately available in which case your pod will be stuck in the pending state

  • If you look at the events for the pod you should see something like this yaml\n Events:\n Type Reason Age From Message\n ---- ------ ---- ---- -------\n Warning FailedScheduling 99s 0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..\n Normal TriggeredScaleUp 31s cluster-autoscaler pod triggered scale-up: [{ 0->1 (max: 1000)}]\n Warning FailedScaleUp 16s cluster-autoscaler Node scale up in zones us-west1-b associated with this pod failed: GCE out of resources. Pod is at risk of not being scheduled.\n

  • Notably the events show that

    1. scale up was triggered but
    2. failed because of insufficient GCE resource
  • You can potentially look up the logs of the instance group to get more information

  • In most cases, you can simply wait and let Kubernetes continually retry to schedule your job

  • If resources become available the pod will get scheduled

ScaleUp Not triggered

  • If ScaleUp is not triggered you will see an event like the one below

``yamlWarning FailedScheduling 68s (x2 over 74s) 0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn’t match Pod’s node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..Normal NotTriggerScaleUp 68s cluster-autoscaler pod didn’t trigger scale-up (it wouldn’t fit if a new node is added): 16 node(s) didn’t match Pod’s node affinity/selector```

  • In this case, the pod will never get scheduled because it is impossible to provision on a node that meets the resource requirements of the job

  • One cause of this is specifying an accelerator in that is unavailable in the region your cluster is running in

  • The clue here is didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector that tells you there is something wrong with the node selector. I think its telling you that the cluster autoscaler can’t provision a node group that satisfies that selectorDocs for troubleshooting pod stuck in pending state and no scale up

  • Here’s a link to stackdriver entry for a no scale up event

  • Cloud Logging will typically showing your pod being rejected by the MIGs

  • We don’t seem to get more precise info though about the selector causing problems

GPU Driver Version on GKE

  • COS images have different versions of the GPU driver installed (a default and a latest version)
    • These may be the same
  • To see the Versions available in a COS Image
    • See GKE Current Versions Page
    • Click on COS image link for your version
    • This will show the driver version associated with that COS image
  • On AutoPilot cluster you can’t select the GPU version; it is always default
  • On Standard cluster you can do one of two things
    • Let GKE install the driver;
      • you can choose default or latest
    • Disable automatic driver installation and manually install the driver