📚 Jeremy’s Notes

This directory contains my notes. By design these are unpolished. If you find an error, please submit a pull request. You can also get in touch with me here.

Title Description
Build The latest image These notes were written after notes.md
Building GitHub Apps hmacproxy this was a proxy I built to do hmac…
Building a PWA with Go Web App go-app
Cobra and Command Lines You can invoke the code run by a command like so
Copy Locks and Protos If you try to pass a proto by value you will get…
Deploy on replicate sh {"cwd":"","id":"01HXEV665NXZYRSBVXK0MXW7TT"}…
Deploy the Honeycomb Query Model Hamel’s Honeycomb Model…
Deploying GPU Models on GKE This directory contains my experiments with…
GKE Monitoring Kubernetes events should be in stackdriver refere…
GPUS May need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
GPUs on GKE We need to ensure that we have sufficient quota…
Generics Can we use generics to instantiate a concrete…
Go Releaser version.go - Example of a version command
GoGit If you get the repo config
GoLang If you want comments when parsing AST you must…
GoLang CLI Style Guide In CLIs we often have multiple commands that…
GoLang Testing see https://go.dev/blog/race-detector
Google Cloud Artifact Registry A repository can contain multiple images. An…
Kustomize docs
LLM Inference KV-Cache is a cache used to store result of…
LLMs Rules of Thumb See slide 22:41 in GTC video
Lets try deploying on a GKE standard cluster So its not scaling up. Do we need to allow spot…
Logging If you want to pass a logger around (e.g. so a…
Logging In Runme When you check “enable logger” option in the…
Markdown See this question about writing the AST back to…
Middleware I noticed the following behavior. If I added a…
Multi module projects I think you want to open the parent directory.…
NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM Architecture Docs
Notes on GoLang Errors If your originating a completely new error…
Nullables I think you can as to force a nullable type to a…
Observability Logging the caller (e.g. file and line number…
Raw Notes These are my raw notes as I tried to build and…
Structured Logging Of Protos Structured logging of protos is a bit more…
Tokenization Tokenization involves two steps:
UID FootGun It looks uuid.NewUUID in version1.go version…
Useful Go Libraries go-cmd/cmd - Makes it easy to run external…
Viper I’m starting to think that using viper to manage…
workqueues K8s workqueues package is very useful for…
  gcloud policy-troubleshoot
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